Thursday, January 24, 2013


Pete has informed me that this attempt at a blog will be revamped in 2013 (soon).  So why not make the last post that has nothing to do with sports and rants against American Gun Culture? Cause I'm an idiot, but here we go.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Isn't it great that this sentence has turned our nation into a haven for weapon wielding wackos who feel that it is their duty to own guns for their "safety?"

Listen, I think the founding Fathers and framers of the Constitution had it right.  So far be it from me to question them on matters of government and law.  But what are they really saying here?  My understanding is that we had just escaped a tyrannical empire and culture that had gone on for centuries by disarming the populace and forcing their will upon them.  This is the perfect way to dominate and control your subjects.  This is not what the USA was going to be about.  So no government should have the right to take away our right to bear arms and fight for our rights.

I think all Americans would agree with that.  So, if you are a gun owner, and proud of the fact that you are protecting yourself, your family, and your nation from tyranny, then you should have to register as a gun owner and militia member, ready to serve the nation whenever you are called upon.  If we have an armed society, why should we have a professional military?  If we have a professional military, why should we have an armed society?  What are we protecting ourselves from?

I could go on and on and on.  Think about this.  What scares you more? Being robbed on the street, or going to the mall and getting blown away by some maniac? Yeah, that's what I thought.

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